6 Ways Your Brand Can Benefit From Hyper-Personalization
6 Ways Your Brand Can Benefit From Hyper-Personalization

6 Ways Your Brand Can Benefit From Hyper-Personalization

From being touted as the “next big thing in business” to the “future of customer experience”, hyper-personalization is quickly becoming a must-know strategy for brands looking to elevate their CX and marketing efforts.

But why is it such a big deal? Simply put, customer expectations have risen. Generic marketing messages no longer cut it, with consumers wanting interactions that are relevant, timely and address their specific needs. Hyper-personalization offers brands a way to do exactly that.

Leveraging advanced data analytics, automation, artificial intelligence and machine learning, hyper-personalization takes traditional personalization up a notch to deliver individualized experiences to each customer. This strategy helps businesses stand out by delivering the right message at the right time through the right channel.

Those who embrace hyper-personalization strategies can expect all kinds of advantages. From boosting customer engagement to strengthening loyalty, here are 6 benefits of hyper-personalization.

1. Enhanced Customer Experience

The first and most immediate benefit of hyper-personalization is a better customer experience.

Think of it as the opposite of the one-size-fits-all approach. Rather than serving up irrelevant messaging and content, hyper-personalization uses real-time data to craft tailored interactions, ensuring each person receives an experience that is meaningful to them. This reduces the “noise” that often overwhelms customers and makes brand communications more impactful.

By continuously gathering and analyzing data, businesses can optimize customer interactions on the fly, ensuring relevance at every touchpoint. Whether it’s a bill explainer that proactively explains each charge or a year in review that spotlights your customer’s best moments, adding hyper-personalization to the customer journey makes it smoother and more enjoyable.

Take the customer onboarding stage, for instance. Rather than sending a generic welcome message to your entire customer base, consider making it hyper-relevant to your customer’s needs by including accurate data about their situation.

Check out how this onboarding video conveys useful, relevant details in a dynamic format, for a user experience that’s not just helpful but also engaging.

2. Better Customer Engagement

Hyper-personalization is a game-changer when it comes to boosting customer engagement. When customers receive content and offers tailored specifically to them, they are more likely to engage.

Imagine receiving a thank-you message from a nonprofit organization that you’ve been passionately supporting. Rather than a broad show of appreciation, the message addresses you by name and spotlights exactly how long you’ve been a supporter and the impact of your donations. Wouldn’t you be more inclined to engage?

Well, that’s exactly what Plan International Canada did in the Personalized Video below.

This piece of hyper-personalized content effectively engaged the audience and strengthened their connection to the cause. Better yet, it encouraged viewers to share their impact online and inspire their network, potentially jumpstarting a new influx of much-needed support.

3. Higher Conversion Rates

Hyper-personalization is also a powerful tool for driving conversion rates and improving sales. According to various sources, personalized CTAs convert 202% more compared to non-personalized ones while companies that excel in personalization can generate up to 40% more revenue.

Companies that excel in personalization can generate up to 40% more revenue.

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The logic behind this is simple. By delivering content and offers that resonate with each individual customer, you’re more likely to capture their attention and motivate them to take action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter or following your brand on social media.

For example, if a customer abandons their cart, a personalized email reminder with a special price discount on the items they left behind can prompt them to complete the purchase. Or you could have their browsing behavior signal a pop-up that invites them to subscribe to your newsletter and be the first to know about new releases.

At the end of the day, it’s all about timing and relevance. By leveraging real-time data, you can determine the right moment to reach out to an individual user with a message that will connect with them.

4. Improved Customer Retention and Loyalty

By catering to each customer, hyper-personalization creates a sense of being understood and valued as an individual.

When customers feel like you “get” them, they’re more likely to develop a sense of loyalty towards your brand. Hyper-personalized experiences create memorable moments that resonate and often inspire a strong emotional connection. As a result, customers become more inclined to stay with your brand in the future and even recommend you to others.

The numbers back this up. According to a McKinsey report:

  • 76% of consumers are more likely to consider purchasing from brands that personalize.
  • 78% are more likely to make repeat purchases from companies that personalize.
  • 78% are more likely to refer friends and family to companies that personalize.

Whether it’s recommending products based on past purchases or addressing clients by name in communications, these small touches go a long way in strengthening customer relationships and building loyalty.

5. Reduced Churn

You can also use hyper-personalization to reduce churn.

Predictive analytics and algorithms play a huge role here. By analyzing customer behavior patterns, you can pinpoint customers who are at risk of churning. For example, if a customer has stopped engaging with marketing emails, hasn’t made a purchase in a while or has shown signs of dissatisfaction in customer service interactions, they can be flagged as a churn risk.

Once churn risks are identified, hyper-personalization can be incorporated into targeted retention initiatives. Here are some ideas to inspire you.

  • Personalized offers: Use customer data to send product recommendations, promotions and discounts based on purchase history and customer preferences. By showing products they’re more likely to be interested in, you can increase customer satisfaction and encourage repeat purchases.
  • Proactive customer service: Anticipate your customers’ unique needs and address issues before they become a problem. For example, if a customer is experiencing difficulties with a product or service, reach out with proactive support to resolve the issue quickly and prevent them from churning.
  • Tailored reengagement: Identify inactive customers and launch reengagement campaigns personalized to their unique situation. Whether it’s a targeted email or a push notification, give them a reason to come back and reengage with your brand.

Want to see an example? See how Unibet approached churn reduction below.

In an effort to reengage players, Unibet sent Personalized Videos that highlighted each player’s top games and moments to convince them to come back. The cherry on top? A personalized offer that was easy to click and redeem, thanks to interactivity.

6. Greater Marketing ROI

Finally, one of the most exciting benefits of hyper-personalization is how it can improve your marketing return on investment (ROI).

How? Think about it like this: Traditional marketing campaigns cast a wide net, hoping to catch the attention of as many people as possible. But that kind of generic messaging can often get lost in the noise.

Hyper-personalization flips the script by delivering targeted messages that connect with each customer on a personal level. This means your marketing spend is being put to better use. Rather than wasting resources on reaching the wrong audience, you’re investing in marketing strategies that are more likely to yield results.

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Find out how 8x higher conversions happen

Another key metric, customer lifetime value (CLV), is also boosted by hyper-personalization. By improving customer loyalty and encouraging repeat purchases, you can increase ROI by maximizing the revenue you get from each customer over their lifetime, all while making marketing spending more efficient.

Implementing Hyper-Personalization

From elevating the customer experience to improving ROI, the advantages of hyper-personalization are clear. That’s why, here at Idomoo, we’re committed to helping you deliver hyper-personalized experiences through Personalized Video. Our Next Generation Video platform empowers brands to create dynamic, one-to-one video experiences that resonate with each customer, offering a truly personalized approach.

Ready to unlock the full potential of hyper-personalization through video? Reach out to us to start the conversation. We’d love to help you craft a personal experience that makes an impact on your customers and your business results.

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