Marketing has evolved from somewhat of an art into a very precise and quantifiable science. No marketing campaign should ever be rolled out without a robust understanding of how to measure whether your campaign was a resounding success or, contrarily, a bit of a let-down.
Your marketing efforts should not only be measurable but also consistently analyzed, tweaked and re-worked to fit an evolving landscape and growing consumer demographic.
Here are the crucial metrics you need to be measuring to get your B2C marketing campaigns just right.
Social Media Metrics
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Did you know that 76% of social media users have bought something they saw on social media? Or that the global influencer marketing industry is worth a whopping $21.1 billion? Nowadays, there’s no doubt that social media is so much more than just posting pretty pictures and getting likes. It’s now an essential channel for driving conversions and building loyalty.
But what should you be tracking to ensure your social media efforts are paying off? Here are some must-monitor metrics:
- Engagement: Measure likes, comments, shares and interactions to gauge how well your content resonates with your audience.
- Follower growth: Track how your follower count evolves over time. A growing audience indicates increasing brand awareness and interest.
- Reach and impressions: This refers to how many unique users see your posts (reach) and how often (impressions). These metrics help you understand the visibility of your brand and content on social media.
- Sentiment: Not all engagement is good engagement. Are people talking positively or negatively about your brand? Sentiment analysis helps you understand public perception so that you can adjust your strategies accordingly.
- Lead growth: Track how many new leads are coming from social media. Use an attribution program to measure whether your social media campaigns are producing relevant leads.
- Conversions: Ultimately, the goal is to convert. Track how social interactions translate into sales or other desired actions.
To make things easy, consider using social analytics platforms to help you track and analyze your social performance data. You can also use programs such as Google Alerts and Google Trends to dig into how the search volume for your company stacks up against that of your competitors. Understanding your positioning here will help you understand the effectiveness of your social media efforts.
Customer Experience Metrics
Any good marketer should always have customer satisfaction at the very forefront of their measuring. Sure, a customer may have purchased from you. But do they trust your brand? Did you make them feel valued? Do they truly understand the product?
Positive customer experience comprises everything from walking new customers through your product to handling issues effectively to designing marketing that makes customers feel like human beings instead of a number. Keeping customer experience at the forefront of your measurements is key to pivoting your company’s mindset towards the happiness of your customers.
Here are the key metrics you should be tracking:
- Customer satisfaction score: Typically gathered through surveys that ask customers to rate their experience on a scale, this metric measures how satisfied customers are with your product or service. Use CSAT to identify areas where you excel and where improvements are needed.
- Net promoter score: Also measured through surveys, this metric focuses on asking how likely a customer is to recommend your brand to others. NPS is an excellent indicator of overall customer sentiment and brand reputation, as well as customer loyalty and potential growth.
- Churn rate: Conduct churn analyses to determine the percentage of customers who stop doing business with you over a given period. A high churn rate indicates issues with your CX or product quality that may need immediate attention.
- Customer lifetime value: This is an estimate of the total revenue that your business can expect from a single customer over the span of your relationship with them. A high CLV suggests that a customer segment has strong loyalty, high spending or both. Tracking this metric can help you optimize your strategy, such as allocating your resources to focus on retaining high-value customers.
As you measure these metrics, it’s important to go beyond simply just keeping score. The insights should help you understand your customers and improve their experience with your brand.
Here’s a powerful tip: Leverage data to craft a customer-centric CX.
Think about the various touchpoints in the customer journey, from the routine to the atypical. How can you use customer data to make each interaction more relevant and personalized?
Maybe you streamline onboarding by breaking down only the features that are relevant to a particular new user, ensuring they get the most out of your product from day one.
Or perhaps you enhance the follow-up experience, like Wells Fargo did with customers who reached out about refinancing their mortgage.
This video is a great example of how incorporating relevant data can make a routine interaction more meaningful and relevant. Rather than a generic follow-up, the message goes over the customer’s loan options and makes it easy for them to take the next steps.
Personalization can also be used to strengthen your relationship with your customers. For instance, Southampton Football Club surprised and delighted their fans with a personalized recap video. The video featured exclusive stats from the last season each fan attended, giving them bragging rights and a reason to feel connected to the club.
The campaign successfully led to a 16x uplift in engagement, inspiring fans to renew their season tickets. By tapping into the emotional connection fans have, Southampton FC turned a simple recap into a powerful tool. Ultimately, when done right, personalized customer experiences can drive engagement, improve loyalty and even boost your bottom line.
Website Performance Metrics
Your website is often the first stop for a sizeable chunk of your potential customers, so continuously examining key B2C metrics behind its performance is a must.
By tracking key website metrics, you can gain valuable insights into how effective your site is and then make informed decisions to optimize it. Here are 6 metrics to keep an eye on:
- Conversion rate: Arguably the most critical metric to track, this tells you the percentage of visitors who take a desired action, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, filling out a form or making a purchase. A strong conversion rate indicates that your site is effectively turning visitors into leads or customers.
- Bounce rate: This refers to the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate indicates that your home or landing page isn’t engaging enough or that it’s not delivering on the promise that brought visitors there in the first place.
- Average session duration: How long are people spending on your site? A longer session duration suggests that they find your content valuable and engaging, while a short session might indicate the opposite.
- Pages per session: How many pages does a visitor view during a single session? Depending on your goal, this metric can tell you whether visitors are engaged and exploring your website or if they’re having trouble finding what they need.
- Exit rate: This tells you the percentage of visitors who leave your site from a specific page. Identifying pages with high exit rates can help you spot issues that might be driving visitors away.
- Traffic sources: Understanding where your visitors are coming from — whether it’s organic search, ads, social media or referrals — can help you identify the most effective channels for driving traffic to your site.
While tracking these metrics gives you valuable insights, it’s equally important to take actionable steps to improve your website’s performance. For example, if your goal is to boost engagement and conversions, you could add interactive elements that pique visitors’ interest.
According to HubSpot, 30% of the top landing pages incorporate video, with relevant video content on a landing page found to increase conversions by as much as 86%. Combine video with interactivity and you’ve got a powerful tool on your hands.
Interactive Videos can guide visitors through a customized experience where they can click to learn more, answer questions or even fill out a form — all within the video itself. They’re not only attention-grabbing but can also be used to collect valuable information that can be used to personalize follow-up marketing efforts.
For instance, consider a mortgage calculator video embedded on a landing page. As the viewer inputs their details, the video dynamically calculates their potential mortgage terms in real time. The result is an engaging, tailored experience that provides the viewer with immediate value, increasing the likelihood of conversion.
Want to see how this works in action? Click the lightning bolt icon in the player below to try it out for yourself.
If you’re looking to boost engagement and drive conversions, incorporating Interactive Videos like this could be a game-changer for your website. Want to dive deeper into effective landing pages? Check out our guide on how to create video landing pages that work.
Email Marketing Metrics
According to a recent consumer survey, email is the top channel that Americans “like” or “love” hearing from brands on. Evidently, even as technology rapidly redefines communication, the humble email remains one of the most effective and critical channels to touch your customers.
To ensure your email campaigns are hitting the mark, though, it’s crucial to track key metrics and optimize based on what you find. Here’s a quick rundown of email marketing metrics to know:
- Open rate: You have a large contact base, but how many are actually opening them? Tweaks to your scheduling, subject lines and the implementation of your drip campaigns can help improve your success here.
- Click-through rate: Out of those who opened their emails, how many clicked on your calls-to-action? Expressed as a percentage, your CTR is a key metric for understanding whether your content is engaging, relevant and effectively driving results.
- Conversion rate: This metric tracks the percentage of recipients who take the desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. To improve this rate, make sure your call-to-action (CTA) is clear and directly related to your email’s content.
- Unsubscribe rate: This indicates how many people are opting out of your email list. A high unsubscribe rate can mean you are not doing enough to speak to your customers as individuals. Make sure your content is valuable and relevant, as well as avoid overwhelming your audience with too many emails.
To boost email engagement, consider adding personalized elements. No one loves being bombarded with too much or irrelevant information. Leverage customer data to ensure you’re sending the right message to the right person at the right time.
Using dynamic visual content is another great way to capture attention and boost interaction. Including a video in your email, for instance, can increase click-through rates by 200-300%. And when you combine video with personalization, you not only enhance engagement but ensure your message resonates with each individual.
Want to learn more? Check out our 7 tips for making Personalized Videos for emails.
Improve Your Marketing With Data-Driven Strategies
Having a deep and data-driven understanding of whether your marketing campaigns are working is a requirement for business growth. With the right metrics, you can gain valuable insights into how well your B2C strategies are performing and make data-driven adjustments to continually improve your results.
For those interested in upping their marketing game with cutting-edge video technology, we’re here to help. Reach out to us today and discover how our Next Generation Video Platform can transform your efforts with personalized, interactive content that delivers immediate ROI.