Custom Video Makers: The Go-To Guide for Enterprise Users
Custom Video Makers: The Go-To Guide for Enterprise Users

Custom Video Makers: The Go-To Guide for Enterprise Users

Chances are you’re here because you’re one of the 91% of businesses using video for marketing purposes. This may leave you scrambling to boost your video marketing budget and ramp up video production. The reason? The allure of increased click-through rates and conversions from video content.

But this ain’t Hollywood, and your marketing budget isn’t Greta Gerwig-film huge. Besides, you don’t have time to go to film school.

Here’s the deal: Custom video maker tools can help you meet your audience’s demand for video content, and no, you don’t need a Hollywood budget for that.

The Gateway: DIY Custom Video Maker Tools

Your first thought might be, “I can totally DIY these promo videos. Can’t be that hard, right?”

After all, Hubspot’s State of Marketing report suggests that 30% of marketers who aren’t currently crafting short videos plan to start in 2024. And, like you, many marketers start with DIY custom videos to stay competitive because these tools often have free video templates that are friendly to video marketing newbies.

Here are three popular DIY custom video maker tools that marketing teams are turning to:

  • Canva: Popular graphic design platform offering video creation and video editor tools. With it, you can create social media content, slideshow videos and marketing materials
  • Animoto: Features a user-friendly interface, quick video creation and integrated social sharing
  • Adobe Express: Online video design and video editing tools ideal for solopreneurs, small businesses and creative professionals

These tools are a fine intro to creating your own video. Their basic tiers are free and relatively easy to use. Like any tool, these DIY options have pros and cons.

The Pros of DIY Tools

  • Businesses maintain creative control.
  • They’re more affordable than professional production.
  • Quick video creation is an efficient way to respond to market trends.
  • Many tools offer customizable templates and brand asset libraries for consistent branding.

The Cons of DIY Tools

  • They offer limited customization.
  • You’ll need time to become proficient with video creation and online video editor tools.
  • The final product from free tools may include watermarks and lack professional polish.
  • They don’t allow for personalization at scale.
In over 50% of businesses, everyone from marketing to sales might serve as video creators (even if it’s not their job…).

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The hitch with DIY custom video makers? Figuring out who from your team will roll up their sleeves, watch some tutorials and handle production. In over half of businesses, you’ll find folks from marketing to sales serving as video creators, even if it’s not in their job descriptions.

Take a deep breath and consider the decision fatigue that results from that. For each video, you’ll ponder, “What font do I use? How do I resize? Where can I find royalty-free images and video clips? How can I make transitions smoother?” It’s overwhelming.

So the next logical step is leaning on AI to save time and effort.

Level Up: AI Video Generators

If you’ve tried tinkering with DIYing professional videos, you likely noticed how time-consuming it is to get everything just so. Are you ready to join the 75% of video marketers using AI-generated video tools to speed up their video creation and video editing?

If so, a few notable AI video generator tools that will get you at least 50% of the way there include the options below.

  • Pictory: Converts text into videos, with automatic captioning and a video library of stock footage
  • Lumen5: Turns blog posts into social media videos and has AI-powered content summarization
  • Synthesia: Features avatars and voiceovers to host training videos, product demos and multilingual content

Our Enterprise AI Video solution stands out among AI-generated custom videos because it’s an end-to-end video solution. It makes creating videos for business effortless by handling all aspects of video creation, from scripting to animation and interactive CTAs. Edits (if you want to do them) have an easy-to-use interface so anyone can make changes.

And because our AI is trained on your content, everyone in your company can quickly and securely produce relevant videos like this one that transforms information from your website content into a marketing video.

The Pros of AI Tools

  • They are more cost-effective than hiring a video production team.
  • You can respond to market trends quickly when you can produce videos in minutes.

The Cons of AI Tools

  • They lack the unique creative and human touch of professional content.
  • Mastering AI prompt writing that results in quality videos can have a high learning curve.
  • Some customers are wary of AI-generated content because some people use it to create deepfakes and spread misinformation.

That’s why marketers have to be strategic in their use of AI tools to maintain the trust and humanity of their content while using AI to speed up the process. One thing is for sure: most customers want more video from brands, which means you need to scale your video production.

Scalable Video Tools for Enterprises

Juggling your many responsibilities, it may seem like you need a separate team or an advanced degree in AI and video editing software to produce stunning videos, let alone personalized ones.

Enterprise marketers looking to scale often face challenges like these:

  • It takes work to balance quality with quantity.
  • Traditional video production methods can be expensive when scaled up.
  • They struggle to find time for planning, filming, editing and post-production.
  • High-volume video creation demands substantial human and technical resources.

But the right partner makes creating custom videos effortless. And here’s the reality: Personalized content isn’t a luxury — it’s a necessity.


See how Idomoo stacks up in the annual Enterprise Video Report

Over 70% of consumers now expect personalized interactions from companies, making video a key factor in hitting your marketing goals. And video is 3.5x more likely to make someone become or remain a customer when it’s customized for the individual compared to when it’s generic.

Imagine you’re a gamer who received this year-in-review video from your favorite Star Trek game. Wouldn’t you click through?

Now imagine the payoff of distributing compelling custom videos like this to all your fans. By using existing game data unique to each user, this video generates excitement and emotional attachment to build a memorable experience for the gamers who receive it.

How Custom Video Makers Can Help

So how do you make this work at scale? You just need the right platform.

You can use AI or a video production company to craft one phenomenal video and then scale it with data personalized to each user. The Start Trek Fleet Command wrap-up video above is an example of blockbuster-worthy videos you can create using a combo of brilliant creative and individual user data, seamlessly blended together with our platform.

Custom video maker tools like ours make it easy to:

  • Automate much of the video creation process
  • Analyze video performance with built-in analytics
  • Rapidly produce content to distribute across multiple platforms and campaigns
  • Reduce the need for costly video production services and equipment
  • Maintain visual consistency with customizable styles and brand asset libraries
  • Communicate with your customers throughout the customer lifecycle

Idomoo helps you make more videos to reach people in a meaningful way, as individuals. Create millions of Personalized Videos (one for each customer) at lightning speed. It’s a win-win because the videos make your customers feel valued, and you boost your ROI — our clients regularly see ROI of 10x and more.

Extras To Consider When Choosing a Custom Video Maker

Choosing the right custom video maker tool goes beyond just the basics. First, consider the type of video you want to create and the various formats required. Will they be short-form or long-form? Are they YouTube videos or going to be shared via email? Do you need video ads for prospects or explainer videos for current customers? Getting clear on your priorities before you choose your tool will help you make a better decision.

The extras that come with the custom video makers should make it worth every penny. With that in mind, what features do the tools on your shortlist address to check off items on your wishlist?

Interactive Content

Looking to give your customers a more hands-on experience? Interactive content naturally increases engagement, and it can give you 10x more conversions when it’s delivered in video form.

For example, this U.K. mobile network’s custom video offers clickable tips to help users learn how to make the most of their services.

User-Generated Content

Want built-in credibility? Selecting an online video maker tool that supports user-generated content (UGC), like Idomoo’s player, is a win for your brand.

Consider the WW (formerly Weight Watchers) campaign below, where members customized their videos with their personal stats to celebrate their fitness journey and create content they were eager to share on social media platforms. The brand lets users decide which of their achievements they want to include in their video and even what commitment they want to make for the coming year.

This kind of UGC approach is especially effective when it comes to encouraging friends of your customers to become your customers. Nearly 80% of people are swayed by user-generated content when deciding what to purchase.

Data Security

Data security is a crucial component of securing your customers’ trust. Look for features like encryption, access controls, compliance with regulations and secure cloud storage. These are some of the credentials you should look for:

  • SOC 2 Type 2 compliance
  • ISO 27001 information security management systems certification
  • ISO 27799 health informatics certification

Remember, a personalized experience is a significant driver for repeat customers — 96% of marketers agree. So, when choosing the best video maker, keep these points in mind to ensure you’re making the best choice for your enterprise.

Choose the Right Custom Video Tool

Creating impactful video content doesn’t mean you need a Hollywood-style budget. You can meet your audience’s demand for high-quality, engaging content with a custom video maker.

Sure, marketing videos are doable with DIY video maker tools. And AI-generated video maker tools speed up your process. But you hit the sweet spot when you combine those in a scalable way. That’s why, with our secure and scalable-for-millions custom videos, Idomoo is the enterprise solution. Our all-in-one tool makes scaling customized videos quick, easy and cost-effective while giving you a great ROI on your video marketing spend.

Want to learn how you can create high-quality videos for your customers? Click the button below to schedule a call.

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