How Eve Online used Personalized Video to Engage Gamers like Never Before

Eve Online used Personalised Video to Engage Gamers
Eve Online used Personalised Video to Engage Gamers

Icelandic gaming company CCP, maker of the award-winning EVE Online virtual reality game, was built on the principle of pushing the envelope and breaking new ground. So it made perfect sense that they were looking for an out-of-the-box, cutting-edge way to capture their users’ attention at the end of 2019 to increase engagement and retention.

The solution? An end-of-year Personalized Video recap of each player’s stats – “Your Year In EVE” – which players could easily share on social media to ‘humblebrag’ about their hard-earned accomplishments…and maybe even stir up some friendly competition with their fellow players as they kicked off gameplaying in 2020!

CCP turned to Idomoo to create Personalized Videos that would increase gamer engagement and loyalty, as well as social sharing. Each video presented user results for 2019 based on their preferred game playstyle: player vs. player, player vs. environment, or industry. As CCP put it, the videos were a look back at players’ “victories, activities, and mishaps!” Often the most fun to see, gamers on the player vs. player track also received stats on their nemeses and favorite victims.

The user journey for the Personalized Videos was straightforward and required little effort to negotiate, making it more likely that emails would be opened, and videos watched and shared. Players each received a personalized email with a subject line stating their main character’s name and “Your Year in EVE” that directed them to their customized video landing page.

The landing page included a clickable thumbnail of their video, plus call-to-action buttons for downloading and social sharing. Simply clicking on those buttons enabled players to share their videos via Facebook, Twitter, or VK, the Russian social media site.

EVE Online case study

There were a number of challenges to this campaign, including managing more than 30 data points, adjusting the video to support a large number of visuals, and rendering hundreds of thousands of Personalized Videos in the space of a few hours. The biggest challenge, though: The team had only five weeks from kick-off meeting to GO LIVE!

CCP’s campaign was a resounding success. Despite the compressed turnaround time, Idomoo fast-tracked and delivered the creatives, and CCP then used Idomoo’s Personalized Video as a Service (PVaaS™) Platform to successfully set up their videos, using their own data set defined by certain criteria. Idomoo’s industry-leading technology allowed for the rendering of hundreds of thousands of videos in mere hours, a task that would have taken months previously.

The numbers were off the charts and like a seasoned avatar warrior, leapt beyond everyone’s expectations and blew away any competition: Compared to gaming industry standards, the EVE Online Personalized Videos delivered an amazing 7X uplift in CTRs. In addition, the campaign had almost double the view rate, more than triple the open rate, and more than double the CTOR vs. industry averages.

EVE Online personalized videos had an almost double view rate, more than triple open rate, seven times the CTR, and more than double CTOR

“As players in a fast-moving, competitive market with a community who expect digital perfection, we are very impressed with Idomoo’s agility under a significant time pressure and their ability to get their product to market so quickly,” said Sæmi Hermannsson, CCP’s Brand Director on EVE Online. “We are looking forward to future collaborations, where we hope to explore Personalized Video use cases, expand the use case audience based on additional criteria, and make use of Idomoo’s PVaaS™ Platform for other campaigns.”

To learn more about Idomoo’s Personalized Video Platform and how it can help your business increase engagement, loyalty, and retention, check out our video personalization platform.

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