AI Video in Content Marketing: How It Works Plus Examples

There’s no denying that a video tool is one of the best marketing tools to use right now, but not all video platforms are equal. Some are DIY, some are plug-and-play and some use AI.

That’s right, AI video is on the rise, and more and more companies are using it to enhance their content marketing strategies. Let’s dive in and explore what AI video is and how it’s used in content marketing.

What Is AI Video Marketing?

AI video marketing refers to the integration of artificial intelligence to create video content for marketing purposes.

This approach leverages AI-powered tools to streamline video production, enhance personalisation and improve the efficiency of marketing campaigns. Creating videos takes a lot of work, from storyboarding and script writing to sourcing footage and video editing.

By automating various aspects of video creation and distribution, AI enables marketers to produce high-quality content at scale, tailor messages to individual audience segments and optimise performance based on data-driven insights.

Examples of AI Video Content

Several companies and platforms have successfully implemented AI in their video marketing strategies, showcasing the potential of this technology.

Generative AI Brand Videos

Toys “R” Us used AI-powered video tools to create engaging video content in collaboration with their studio.

For this video, the company used Sora, OpenAI’s new video technology, to create realistic scenes and characters from text instruction. It took just a few weeks to create this brand video which might have taken months using traditional video production techniques.

It’s a cool video, though some people have noted the generative AI mistakes like the boys’ freckles disappearing and his glasses changing. However, it’s worth noting that AI didn’t do everything. The video had plenty of human help, including an Emmy Award-winning producer and a director from an Emmy-nominated creative agency.

Webpage to Video

Of course, sourcing footage is just one element of video production. With an end-to-end video creation platform, you can also use AI to generate the script, storyboard, voiceover, soundtrack and animations.

In this video, we used AI to create a video from our 2024 State of Video Technology report webpage.

Since our AI pulled the content from the page, there was no need to worry about storyboarding or scripting, although edits are easy if you want to change the text on screen or narration (or visual elements like the colors and footage).

Making an AI video this way takes a matter of seconds, minutes if you want to do more in-depth editing. If you want to learn more about how it works, read our blog on how to turn a webpage into a video.

With our Enterprise AI Video creator, you can also turn a doc into a video or connect our AI to your knowledge base so videos can be created at scale and always on brand.


Using AI to create videos for commercials is a big opportunity for marketers. With today’s tools, you can feed the AI what you want the video to look like and it will generate something quickly.

In this video, Heinz uses AI-generated images to further solidify their branding and make the claim that “ketchup” is synonymous with Heinz.

While the video itself was still made by a human team, it shows that AI generated images and videos are making their way into our everyday understanding of items.

FAQ Pages

FAQ pages are a wealth of knowledge and helpful for improving your user experience. While written FAQ pages do the job, adding a video FAQ is more engaging and offers a different way to take in the information.

In this video, we used our AI video creator to take a WhatsApp’s FAQ page and turn it into a video. Here’s how it looks.

Note: As you can see, the video above has a CTA at the end sending people to the source page. Using AI to make an Interactive Video can be a great way to incorporate links to additional content you want users to see.

Interviews for Content Marketing

Another example of content marketing gold using AI? Why not add an interview with your CEO’s digital avatar or maybe a Q&A about your company’s origin story?

The video above from author and podcaster Reid Hoffman amassed an impressive 127,000 views in just 3 months. People are hungry for AI content, so if you use AI in your video, be sure to highlight that for viewers.

Bonus: Employee Training Videos

We don’t think of HR content as marketing content, so this one is a bit of a bonus. But if you do use AI to create internal education content that’s not too sensitive to share, why not upload it to your YouTube to give customers a glimpse behind the scenes?

Using videos for your internal training programmes is a great way to engage employees, but it can be costly to create these videos. Fortunately, with AI, you can create training and onboarding videos faster and even customise them for specific employee courses.

In the example above, this video uses an AI avatar to walk employees through an anti-bullying course.

5 Benefits of AI Video Content

There are quite a few benefits of using AI to create video content. Here are a few.

Saves Time

AI significantly reduces the time required for video production. Marketers can easily cut down on their video content creation time using AI video generators. If it’s an end-to-end AI video tool like ours, that creates a complete video with all the needed components, you’re talking about a time savings of 100x or more — a video done in minutes instead of months.

Traditional video creation involves lengthy processes, including video script writing, shooting and editing. AI streamlines these tasks by automating scriptwriting, generating visuals and handling post-production. This efficiency allows marketers to focus on strategic aspects of their campaigns while AI handles the rest.

Easy To Scale

One of the significant advantages of AI video marketing is its scalability. AI tools can help with content creation by producing a large volume of high-quality videos quickly. This scalability is crucial for staying relevant in a fast-paced digital environment where regular content updates are essential for engagement.

Creates Great Experiences

AI makes it possible to create immersive video experiences at scale and these experiences are everything. According to PwC, 17% of people will walk away from a brand they love after just one bad experience. Focus on delivering great customer experiences with the creativity and scalability of AI video.

Even better, personalise the experience. Using our Enterprise AI Video solution, videos can easily be integrated with customer data for hyper-personalisation or with live data so they are updated in real time.

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Improves ROI

Video marketing has been shown to improve conversion rates (on average, sites that use video have a 65% increase in conversion rate). But video production studios can be expensive, cutting into your ROI. AI video can help you increase your video output without dramatically increasing your experiences, ensuring you get a better return on your investment.

Empowers Personalisation

AI allows for a high degree of personalisation in video content, tailoring messages to individual viewers based on their preferences, behaviours and interactions.

This personalised approach not only enhances viewer engagement but also improves customer satisfaction and loyalty. According to a study by McKinsey, personalisation can lead to a 10-15% increase in revenue.

Where Can You Use AI Videos?

AI is a powerhouse when it comes to making video marketing scalable, efficient and personalised. But where can you use these videos in your digital marketing strategy?

Social Media

Social media platforms are prime locations for sharing your videos. AI tools can create social media videos made for different platforms, ensuring they meet the specific requirements and preferences of each audience.

This capability helps brands maintain a strong and engaging presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and YouTube.

Email Marketing

Incorporating videos into email marketing campaigns can significantly boost engagement and increase click-through rates by up to 3x. They’re an interesting way to grab the reader’s attention quickly and creatively. You can also use videos to convey more information without having to use giant blocks of text in your email copy.

Website Content

AI-generated videos can enrich website content by providing visitors with engaging and informative visuals and keep them on the site longer. From explainer videos to product demonstrations, AI can create a variety of content that enhances the user experience and improves a brand’s site metrics.


Video ads are highly effective, with video view campaigns (VVC) getting an average of 40% more views than in-stream skippable cost-per-view campaigns. Even more impressive, AI tools can create targeted ads that appeal to specific audience segments, optimising ad spend and maximising ROI.

These videos can be used across various advertising channels, including social media, search engines and display networks, ensuring that brands reach their target audience with compelling content.

Get Started With AI Video in Your Content Marketing

AI is a great tool for content creation that’s scalable, personalised and efficient. With advanced tools able to create videos in a matter of seconds, it’s no surprise that more companies are turning to this new technology.

If you’re ready to learn more about implementing AI video into your content marketing strategy, click the link below and we’ll be in touch.

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